Metal Roofing Myths Debunked: Seperating Fact from Fiction

Oct 20, 2023

Metal Roofing Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Metal roofing has become a popular choice for homeowners and businesses, thanks to its durability, energy efficiency, and environmental benefits. However, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding metal roofing that may deter some from making this excellent investment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll debunk common metal roofing myths and provide the facts you need to make an informed decision.

Chapter 1: Myth - Metal Roofs Attract Lightning

Fact: Metal roofs do not attract lightning, and they are no more likely to be struck by lightning than any other roofing material.

One of the most enduring myths about metal roofing is that it's a lightning magnet. The idea that a metal roof will increase the chances of your home or building being struck by lightning is simply not true. Lightning seeks the path of least resistance to the ground, and it typically strikes the highest point in the area, which could be a tree, utility pole, or another tall structure. The conductive nature of metal roofing actually makes it safer in the event of a lightning strike. It will disperse the electrical charge across the surface of the roof, reducing the risk of fire or structural damage. In fact, a metal roof may be a safer choice in areas prone to lightning.

Chapter 2: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Noisy

Fact: Modern metal roofing materials are designed with insulation and layers to dampen noise, making them no louder than other roofing materials during rain or hail.

Another common misconception is that metal roofs are noisy, especially during rain or hailstorms. However, advancements in metal roofing technology have addressed this concern. Modern metal roofs are typically installed over solid sheathing and underlayment, which adds a layer of sound insulation. In most cases, the sound of rain or hail on a metal roof is no louder than what you'd experience with other roofing materials. Proper installation techniques and the inclusion of insulation materials contribute to a quiet and comfortable indoor environment.

Chapter 3: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Prone to Rust

Fact: Many metal roofing materials are designed to resist rust and corrosion, and they have protective coatings that ensure their longevity.

It's a common misconception that metal roofs will inevitably rust over time. In reality, most modern metal roofing materials are constructed to be rust-resistant. Steel roofing, for example, is typically coated with zinc or a zinc-aluminum alloy to protect against rust and corrosion. Other metals, like aluminum and copper, are naturally corrosion-resistant. Proper installation, routine maintenance, and choosing the right metal roofing material can help ensure your roof remains rust-free and maintains its durability for decades.

Chapter 4: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Expensive

Fact: While the upfront cost of metal roofing may be higher than some other roofing materials, the long-term savings on maintenance and energy bills make it a cost-effective choice.

It's true that the initial cost of metal roofing is often higher than traditional asphalt shingles. However, it's essential to consider the long-term savings associated with metal roofing. Metal roofs require minimal maintenance and have a significantly longer lifespan than most other roofing materials. This means you'll spend less on repairs and replacements over the years. Moreover, metal roofs are energy-efficient, reflecting sunlight and reducing cooling costs, which can result in substantial savings on your energy bills.

Chapter 5: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Unattractive

Fact: Metal roofing comes in a variety of styles, colors, and profiles, allowing you to choose a design that complements your property's aesthetics.

Some may believe that metal roofing is limited in terms of design and aesthetics, but that's far from the truth. Metal roofing offers a wide range of options to suit your property's style and your personal preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional look, a modern appearance, or something in between, there's a metal roofing solution that can enhance your property's curb appeal. You can choose from various colors, textures, and profiles to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Chapter 6: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Hot in the Summer

Fact: Metal roofing materials are designed with reflective coatings that reduce heat absorption, making them an excellent choice for warm climates.

Contrary to the belief that metal roofs become excessively hot in the summer, many metal roofing materials come with reflective coatings that reduce the amount of heat absorbed. This reflective quality helps keep your property cooler during hot months by reflecting sunlight and heat away from the roof's surface. As a result, you can enjoy a more comfortable indoor environment and lower cooling costs during the summer.

Chapter 7: Myth - Metal Roofs Dent Easily

Fact: While metal roofs can dent under extreme impact, they are typically designed to withstand hail and other common weather-related conditions without damage.

A prevalent myth is that metal roofs are prone to denting. In reality, most metal roofing materials are designed to be highly resilient and can withstand typical weather-related conditions without denting. Hail, for example, is a common concern, but many metal roofs have high-impact resistance and are designed to resist hail damage. While extreme impacts can cause dents, everyday weather conditions should not pose a problem for your metal roof.

Chapter 8: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Difficult to Install

Fact: Metal roofing installation requires specialized skills, but professional contractors with experience in metal roofing can install it efficiently and effectively.

Installing a metal roof is a specialized task that requires proper training and experience. While this may lead to the myth that metal roofs are difficult to install, the reality is that professional contractors with expertise in metal roofing can efficiently and effectively complete the installation. The key is to choose a reputable and experienced roofing contractor who can ensure your metal roof is installed correctly, providing you with the benefits it promises.

Chapter 9: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Not Environmentally Friendly

Fact: Metal roofing is an eco-friendly choice due to its recyclability, energy efficiency, and reduced cooling costs.

One of the most significant misconceptions is that metal roofing is not environmentally friendly. In fact, metal roofing is an excellent choice for those concerned about the environment. It is highly recyclable, and when a metal roof reaches the end of its life, the material can be recycled into new roofing materials or other products. Additionally, metal roofing's energy-efficient properties reduce cooling costs, which not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint.

Chapter 10: Myth - Metal Roofs Are High Maintenance

Fact: Metal roofing typically requires minimal maintenance, consisting of routine inspections and occasional cleaning.

Some may believe that metal roofs are high maintenance, but the opposite is true. Metal roofing is relatively low maintenance, requiring only routine inspections and occasional cleaning to keep it in excellent condition. With proper care, your metal roof can maintain its durability and appearance for many years.

Chapter 11: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Limited to Certain Architectural Styles

Fact: Metal roofing can be adapted to suit various architectural styles, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of properties.

Metal roofing is not limited to specific architectural styles. It is a versatile choice that can be adapted to suit various design aesthetics. Whether your property is a historic building, a contemporary masterpiece, or something in between, you can find a metal roofing solution that seamlessly complements the architectural design.

Chapter 12: Myth - Metal Roofs Are Too Heavy for Some Structures

Fact: Metal roofing is lightweight compared to some other roofing materials, making it suitable for a wide range of structures.

Metal roofing is often lighter than other roofing materials, such as concrete or clay tiles. This makes it suitable for a wide range of structures, from residential homes to commercial buildings. Additionally, the weight of the metal roof can be evenly distributed across the structure, reducing the risk of excessive structural strain.


In conclusion, metal roofing is a highly practical and cost-effective choice for both residential and commercial properties. The myths and misconceptions that surround metal roofing are often based on outdated information or misunderstandings. When you separate fact from fiction, you'll find that metal roofing is a durable, energy-efficient, and eco-friendly option that provides numerous benefits. It can increase your property's value, lower your energy bills, and offer long-term savings on maintenance costs. If you're considering a new roof, don't let these myths deter you from choosing metal roofing. It's a decision that can provide peace of mind and substantial advantages for years to come.